Water Based Tire Dressing

Water Based Tire Dressing is great for tires, vinyl or rubber moldings. It can be used straight for a high gloss finish or diluted with water up to 2:1 for a flat finish. This water-based tire dressing should be used in areas where VOC’s are a concern. This product does contain Silicon use caution if you are using in or near body shops.


• RTS or Dilute up to 2:1 for desired gloss level

• Can be used on rubber molding and vinyl

• No concern for VOC’s

• 50 State Compliant


Surface or by applying with a towel or sponge applicator. All excess MUST be wiped off including crevices. IMPORTANT: Staining may occur if all excess is not wiped off.

There are 3 Dilution ratios for different sheen:
RTS - High Gloss
1:1 - Semi Gloss
2:1 - Flat